It's time! My 30k run is on Sunday!
30k Around the Bay in Hamilton! AHH!

It's starting getting exciting, now. I am excited to look at the stuff at the expo today.
I was thinking back to "Why did I sign up for this?". I heard about it from my coach from cross country. I think I decided since it is 30k, and a half marathon is 21.1, and a marathon is 42.2, that this is a good halfway point.
I've been anxious/nervous for the past... well especially the past 2 weeks, and very much so the past few days. But right now, I am not too bad. I think the worst thing for me is the nerve racking feeling when you stand at the start line.. erm, start clump. I remember during the half-marathon we were waiting for the start, sitting on the bleachers, then we got called to the start. Standing at the start at first was quite intimidating. But as soon as the gun went off, I actually didn't really notice it. But the first few kilometres at the half marathon were intimidating. Then you get used to the feeling.
The same thing was at cross country. Standing at the start line I was ridiculously nervous. I tried to keep moving to distract my mind. As soon as the gun went off, it's just this terrible feeling like you are running for your life.
Breathing doesn't really help me. Music sometimes helps me. So that will be good.
We talked about this in exercise science, how people get nervous before sports events.
I have my meals planned out this time, because during the half marathon in Ottawa, I was forcing myself to eat.
But I am excited. I just have to realize no matter what my time is when I finish, that I will have finished. I have 4.5 hours to do it. I am aiming for 2.5-3. If I hurt myself, I'll keep on stumbling.
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