Firstly, I apologize because I'm blogging from my iphone and so autocorrect may not be my friend.
I've been struggling to motivate myself to workout lately. I've reduced my cardio a lot. I used to do 3-4 hours a week, not including running.
I haven't gained any weight, I'm thinking maybe I was doing too much to begin with.
I'm not running as often as I used to. I used to run 4 times a week, and now I'm running 1 or 2.
My weight lifting isn't as off, but I'm still not doing as much.
My metabolism is off I think because I've been tired and falling asleep and napping my ass off.
I think I should be monitoring my food intake better. I think I'm getting enough calories, but I think I might be lacking a major nutrient or I might be consuming too much sugar because I eat a lot of fruit.
I guess I can't always be at the top of my game, and working out a lot. I try to put in 10 hours a week, but I usually got 8. Now it's more like 5 or 6. Although when I do to for runs they're usually 1-2 hour runs.
I need to figure out why I'm off. I'm thinking of making a d tea appointment.
I just need motivation and energy.